Apricot seeds save a cancer patient's health and money, as it is a natural cancer cell killer whose essential ingredient is Amygdalin i.e. Laetrile (or vitamin B17).
If there isn’t any truth to this, then why is the information being hidden?
Why are those who have been cured by these means tried to be silenced and those who used the means of treatment are blamed and punished?
Perhaps precisely because the claims have substance.
It is good to remember that cancer is a global disease and at the same time an annual business 2024 is over $200 Billion USD. (in a whole, it’ cost $1 TRILLION)
It employs many people who would soon find themselves out of a job if the news of a cheap, less harmful and more effective treatment spread.
The large pharmaceutical industry would suffer big losses and would have to rethink its operating models completely, maybe even disappear.
What is B17 i.e. laetrile?
In 1952, biochemist Ernst Krebb in San Francisco realized that cancer is a metabolic reaction caused by a bad diet, and the key to defeating cancer would be an important nutrient missing from the modern human diet.
His research led to amygdalin, which is found in over 1,200 edible natural plants.
Amygdalin is a nitriloside, which are difficult to classify substances, because they are found in foods, but they are not nutrients in themselves.
Because it was structurally similar to other substances in the vitamin B group, he called it vitamin B17, as 16 compounds were known up to that time.
Dr. Krebb injected himself with laetrile to prove that the compound had no toxic side effects.
He conducted extensive laboratory experiments on laboratory animals and cell cultures to discover that laetrile would be an effective treatment for cancer.
Since laetrile can be derived directly from natural sources and is not chemically developed in a laboratory, it cannot be patented.
Of course, it's not poisonous either.
In other words, the Big Pharmaceutical Industry and medical organizations cannot get rich with it and with treatments and additional drugs intended for normal drug side effects.
Thousands of patients have claimed to have been cured of cancer just by chewing large quantities of apricot seeds.
Apricot seeds are readily available to consumers, unlike laetrile, as in 1971 the US Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of laetrile.
How does it work?
Amagdylin has four components, two of which are glucoses, one benzaldehyde and one cyanide.
Yes, cyanide and benzaldehyde are toxic by themselves if released as pure molecules and not bound to other compounds.
Many foods containing cyanide are harmless, as the cyanide remains a compound and thus cannot cause damage.
Normal cells contain an enzyme that captures free cyanide molecules and renders them harmless by forming a sulfur compound (thiocyanate).
The name of the enzyme is rhodanase and it acts as a catalyst in the formation of thiocyanate, which is a neutral compound and is thus removed from the body with the urine without causing damage to normal cells.
However, cancer cells are not normal cells.
They contain an enzyme characteristic of cancer cells, beta-glucosidase, which acts as a "releasing enzyme" of amygdalin molecules.
It releases benzaldehyde and cyanide from amygdalin, which together form a synergistic toxic reaction that is stronger than the individual toxicities of the compounds combined.
This is the cancer cell's self-destruction mechanism, cancer cell suicide caused by beta-glucosidase.
Amygdalin (or laetrile) combined with protective enzymes of healthy cells and self-destructive enzymes in cancer cells enables the destruction of cancer cells without endangering healthy cells.
Chemotherapy, on the other hand, destroys a lot of healthy cells and destroys the body's immune system while destroying only an indeterminate amount of cancer cells.
Cancer cells usually spread after chemotherapy, as the widespread toxins have weakened the immune response.
The cancer industry has defined the success of cancer treatments as the patient's freedom from cancer for 5 years.
It is estimated that only 3% of patients who have undergone the big three of medicine (surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy) will survive without cancer recurrence within 5 years.
In addition to the crippling effects of the treatments, they are much more expensive!
Cancer patients need to consume plenty of vitamin B17 to get the body's amygdalin levels high enough to activate beta-glucosidase in cancer cells, as some of the amygdalin is neutralized by rhodanase in normal cells.
Several doctors using laetrile have achieved 85% cure rates for patients who have not undergone the cut-burn-poison doctrine of standard medicine.
For those who only try laetrile treatment as a last resort after standard medical treatments, only about a 15% cure rate is achieved.
There is a clinic in Mexico that claims to have cured 100% of cancer cases with laetrile.
Pressure from the medical mafia
Already since the 1920s, medicines, treatments and doctors of alternative cancer treatments have been belittled, harassed, imprisoned and even killed.
Federal agencies have been tricked into bringing frivolous prosecutions or tax investigations even using the sheriffs of the Department of Justice, as in the case of Dr. Gary Glum after he just wrote a book about Essiac tea as a cancer treatment.
A young man from Brooklyn, Jason Vale, was jailed after he refused to stop talking publicly about how his cancer was cured by eating those horrible apricot seeds.
San Francisco doctor John A. Richardson had used laetrile successfully to treat cancer before the FDA banned laetrile in 1971.
Richardson contacted his friend Edward Griffin and asked him, as an investigative journalist, to write something about laetrile that could help doctors continue cancer treatments.
Griffin's research eventually led to a groundbreaking book: "World without Cancer", which describes several other cancer treatments in addition to laetrile.
In his extensive research, Griffin got deep behind the scenes of the pharmaceutical industry and discovered how the big pharmaceutical companies tried to keep alternative medicine cancer treatments out of the public eye.
He also got his hands on evidence that the Sloane-Kettering Cancer Institute had buried evidence of its own studies that found laetrile to be a “very effective” cancer cure.
Griffin obtained the documents from Sloane-Kettering's former director of public relations, Dr. Ralph Moss, who had been told to keep his mouth shut.
However, he resigned in 1977 and has since written several books on alternative cancer treatments.
However, there is always someone else to fill the place of a highly paid PR director and lie according to the pharmaceutical company's wishes in industry publications.
What about those industry publications?
Even the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine has had to lower its standards and accept medical articles from scientists on the payroll of Big Pharma.
Previously, only independent studies were taken care of, but they would no longer have anything to publish.
After all, they are already glossy advertising magazines for the Large Pharmaceutical Industry.
It is clear that the cancer industry does not seriously want a cheap and effective cancer treatment that cannot be patented.
There is too much money at stake, even for independent and non-profit organizations that receive millions in donations and support to promote pharmaceutical products.
The same organizations have managers on their payrolls whose annual earnings are easily 6 figures.
Doctors do exactly what they have already learned in medicine, publications in the field are full of lies and fake studies, cancer organizations have PR activities to ensure that people get into the money mill of the disease industry as early as possible.
At the top of everything is the Great Pharmaceutical Industry, whose values are money and power. They don't care about public health or the "war on cancer."
Today, mainstream medicine is losing the battle against cancer more than ever before.
About one in three is destined to get cancer at some point and more and more die after traditional medical treatments.
A real pandemic!
All this just to be able to run giant companies and enable a luxury life for a few and a comfortable, safe job for some at the expense of our health.
At the same time, real humanitarian doctors, natural healers and truth-seeking investigative journalists are treated as criminals or deranged and harassed by smearing and destroying professional opportunities, even crushing their entire lives.
Millions of patients are needlessly tortured and killed and conditioned to resist effective and painless drugs.
Laetrile treatment
There are several success stories about using apricot seeds to treat cancer.
The general recommendation for cancer prevention is five to seven seeds a day. Of those amounts provide approximately 100 - 140 mg of Vitamin B17.
1 Apricot seed has around 20 mg of Laetrile i.e. Vitamin B17.
Several times the amount is recommended to cure real cancer.
40 Apricot seeds a day for 45 days has been found to kill almost any type of cancer, regardless of the stage of the cancer. Minimum is 30 / day for 45 days.
However, start with small amount for few first days to see how your stomach reacts to a newcomer, just like with anything new you add to your body.
After healing, it is recommended to return to a daily dose of 5 to 7 seeds to maintain the resistance to cancer. From those amounts, you get about 100 - 140 mg of vitamin B17
G. Edward Griffin - World Without Cancer: The Story of Laetrile (Vitamin B17) - 1974
This has become a huge phenomenon here, and now woman's whole family, neighbors and EVERYONE want keep themselves cancer free for equivalent of 25 U.S. Cent a day !!!
I always, every single day, ask people if they know anyone who have cancer. Most people don't know before it's too late, and they die.
1 month ago I found one woman who is in her 50th of age, and she told me she have been diagnosed for 2 types of cancer and was waiting for operation. She was really scared.
In one month eating Apricot seeds she have lost the lump in her upper nose, it has been just disappeared !!
We have a deal with her going to check what is happening with her cancer. We wait until 45th day after she start eating 40 Apricot seeds per day, every day.
I'll be back to tell the end of the story that I believe will be "no cancer found". IT ILL HAPPEN !